How to handle “Wedding Stress”

August 30, 2023

Navigating the Rollercoaster: How to Handle “Wedding Stress”

Tying the knot may symbolize unending love, but it also can also bring in a hefty dose of "Wedding Stress". Let's dive headfirst into this inevitable whirlpool and learn some handy hacks to navigate it smoothly.

So, you are all set to tie the knot, basking in the warm glow of sweet anticipation, when out of the blue the wedding handcuffs (read: responsibilities) get just a tad bit too heavy. And before you know it, you're in the throes of full-fledged "Wedding Stress". Familiar terrain? Worry not! There's no storm you cannot weather, especially with a little help from your friends here at Febus Films.

Here are a few practical tips to help you keep your cool during your wedding run-up.

Start Early

Start with the wedding planning process as early as possible. It gives you ample time to figure out everything from the venue, the dress, theme and guest list, to the photographers … hint hint: Febus Films, anyone? Earlier planning can be the key to lower "Wedding Stress" levels.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Delegate for Success

Wedding stress often stems from trying to micromanage every small detail. Remember you have trusted friends and family who can help. Delegate tasks among them and of course, leave the photography and videography to the professionals. We hear Febus Films are good at it!

A Day Off Is a Must

Breathe in, Breathe out! Take a day off from all the wedding planning. You deserve it. It will help to rejuvenate your mental and physical energy. Remember, this is a joyous occasion after all and not a mission to Mars!

Be Realistic and Flexible

Last but not least, remember that nothing is perfect. Be prepared for last-minute changes and remember the ultimate goal - to get married to the love of your life.

At Central Florida’s wedding gem, Febus Films, we understand the complexities of planning a wedding. Our professional team, spearheaded by the dynamic duo, Tito and Kianna, is committed to capturing the essence of your special day with minimal hassle. Our forte lies in adapting to your needs whilst creating timeless photos and videos for you to cherish. Believe us when we say, we strike the perfect balance between capturing stunning visuals and soothing those pre-wedding jitters. Who thought “Wedding Stress” could ever be fun?

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